Evernew Titanium Pasta Pot 750ml

Evernew Titanium Pasta Pot 750ml

  • £90.00

  • Brands Evernew
  • Availability:In Stock

Incredibly lightweight and robust cookware made from titanium alloy. The Evernew pasta pot is a versatile cook pot with a strainer built into the lid. The foldaway handles make it highly packable.


  • Perforated lid allows you to drain water easily when cooking pasta
  • Made of 0.3mm paper thin titanium plate.
  • Hand-pressed by highly experienced Japanese craftsmen
  • Volume markings inside of the pot for easy measurement
  • A 110g gas cartridge can be nested inside
  • Comes with a stuff sack
  • Weight: 95 g (3.35 oz.)
  • Material: Titanium
  • Size: 9.3 x 11.1 cm (3.66 x 4.37 inches)
  • External size: 10.4 x 11.6 cm (4.09 x 4.57 inches)

Capacity: 750ml

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